Week 6 of Portrait Art Class

This week we were trying different materials to find one we liked and to help us move away from our normal materials.

I decided to bring a Rainbow coloured pencil (1 pencil with 6-8 different colour lead through it, so as you use the pencil, different colours appear). I really enjoyed using this pencil, it was definitely different! Each time the colour changed I got a little boost of joy and I enjoyed seeing the overall effect of the different colours together on the page as one portrait. It certainly was novel and nobody else in the class had a similar drawing so it opened up a lot of conversation!

There were a few down sides to using this new tool, I found it hard to know what colour was coming next so shading and highlights were harder to decipher. I ended up using a shading technique to layer in those shadows instead.

I loved trying something different and I was pleased that we did this exercise. I don’t usually like to try different things, instead I prefer to keep trying to work on what I already know, but this was just enough outside of my comfort zone to still feel in control and have fun.


Week 8 of Portrait Art Class


Week 5 of Portrait Art Classes