Week 8 of Portrait Art Class
This week during class I was taking photos of my work (I often do this so that I can see what I am missing- sometimes it is difficult to tell with the naked eye so you can use either a mirror or a photo to pick up mistakes). Whilst looking at these photos I saw some of my original photos from the first few weeks and I could really see the difference that the 8 classes had made.
I could see real progress when I compared weeks 1-3 with todays drawing, I did not see it at the time as I was going along. Some weeks I did better and then I felt as though I went backwards one week but then made strides again the following week. However, looking at that big jump between he first few sessions and today was quite impressive! I liked how my style had changed, how the attention to detail became more evident and how my strokes looked more confident.
Seeing progress also gave me a little boost!