Week 7 of Portrait Art Classes

I had been trying Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and brown packaging paper through the week whilst practicing and I was really enjoying the vintage look it was giving me so I wanted to try it here in class. I found the results to be very impressive, I really loved it. I used a sanguine colour for the main drawing and then I went in with a white for the highlights, it reminded me of old master studies and I felt as though even the mistakes looked quite cool and as though they were meant to be there rather than mistakes!

I enjoyed trying out the new materials in class because Jess was able to show me how to take my drawing up to the next level with small tweaks that I would not have thought of by myself at home. She showed me how to put a scale down so that you could see straight away how light you could go all the way up to how dark you could go with the tinted paper, the white pencil and the sanguine pencil. This meant that it took the guess work out of doing highlights and shadows.

I thoroughly enjoyed this technique and I will definitely try again!


Week 9 of Portrait Art Class


Week 8 of Portrait Art Class